At Meadowview, school begins at 7:40 am and ends at 2:10 pm and students may enter the building at 7:25 am. If your student will arrive to school after 7:40 am or be absent, please call the attendance line at 651-460-3100 prior to 7:40 am. If you will be picking up your student early, please email the teacher or send a note to school with your student. Students who arrive late or leave early must be signed in or out at the school office.
For all planned absences such as vacations or something other than an illness, please notify your student's teacher and complete the online form to request the absence be excused at least 5 school days in advance of the planned absence. Check the school handbook for more details regarding attendance and absences.
Please fill out the online form by clicking on the link below to submit the absence request to the school office. If you have any questions, please call the Meadowview office at 651-460-3100.
Pre-arranged Absence Form